Help & FAQ

Q : Where i can get my activation code ?
A : After purchase, you will receive the activation code typically in less than 5 mins.
Q : I don't recieve any email
A : Please verify your spam folder, if you still can't find the email, you can request your code manually by sending your payment invoice or your Order Ref. (ex. paypal invoice) to [email protected]
Q : How to use Garmin watch face Activation code ?
A : Enter activation code into watch face setting, you can use both "Garmin Connect" or "Connect IQ" app for the setting.
Q : Why the code doens't work correctly after the setting
A : Please, make sure your are entering the exact with no empty spaces at the end or front of it. Some phone need to press "Enter" for add the code in input box and press "Done" on the App, and please make sure that you are using lastest version of "Garmin Connect" or "Connect IQ" app (please try both). after that, if it still doesn't work, you can try switch to other watch face and switch it back